Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This is all aboutus.org!

Ever heard about aboutus.org ? Well time to hear it from me, if you have not yet. This is what the creators of aboutus.org says about themselves

"We are building a wiki resource on the internet that we hope will complement other great web resources such as Google and Wikipedia. We work to merge commercial with informational by helping people organize the information that is important to them."

Exciting enough, I have created a intranet wiki (mediawiki) for our internal use at office. I never contributed much to the local wiki at office. But lately I started scribbling the common (technical) problems which I see at office on day to day basis and the solutions also in there. More like a FAQ style, this was helpful to a few in the office as a do-it-yourself guide, as well as for me since when I do something rarely I have a documentation in hand to refer back. This made me less shy from the wiki on the www, and thus created the below page for my company.

Aboutus.org is a great way to put across to the world what we are doing (for a company, this is a nifty feature), and talk about what we do, what we offer to the community/people etcetera. Below is a image link ( a badge, as aboutus.org calls it) which links to the page I created for my company in aboutus.org community. Try yours, try create one at aboutus.org, its great fun to talk about yourself ~smile~


pushpendra said...

I think aboutus.org is good service but it is not safe. I Created my aboutUs personal page and when i googled it, it appeared with all my information like name,email,address. They made my information public.It is good as long as your information is safe.

kryptoz said...

Right said Pushpendra. When we publish article in web sites like aboutus.org, we should be careful what we are publishing. I am sure aboutus.org will have an option to prevent displaying private information like email address, snail-mail address etcetera.