Monday, December 24, 2007

Offline weblog editors

After stumbling up on the "deepest sender", a few days later I thought I would search for more of these software which are stand-alone applications rather than a plug-in. I found that I have one blog editor in the windows vista that I use called, "Windows Live writer". Initially when I installed it, I had a feeling that this works only for the windows blog, called spaces in their portal. But later today I had this urge to see more of what windows live writer can do. It was easy setup for my WordPress blog. with a few text entries and a few clicks I was ready to blog with Windows Live Writer.

This is how to start it.

Select the tools> Accounts to see the image on the right side. Select "Another weblog service" from the radio selection and click on next.
You will get the the screen on the left after the click on next.
Here you have to enter the
weblog homepage URL - This is the blog home home page which You want to use. In my case it was
Username - Your WordPress username
Password - Your password for the WP username.
Additionally if you have the option for proxy setup.

After finishing the mentioned, when you click next, windows live writer will do its part and collect info from the WordPress for your account (styles, posts, keywords, etcetera) and you are ready to blog. There are a few plug-ins for the MS Writer, which are available at I did not find any of them interesting for me but, You are not me, so go have a look!

I am planning to use this as my primary weblog editor now. Not that I am a regular blogger, but it makes things easy whenever I want to scribble anything on the blog. Windows Live Writer saves me from, typing in the URL on my Firefox browser Address bar. Though, since I save my username and password in Windows Live Writer, I expected direct access to my dashboard (logged in) when I clicked on my link called "Dashboard" on Windows Live Writer. Currently it opens up WordPress login page. For me that should be okay for now, unless I get more lazy and want the auto login to the dashboard from Windows Live Writer.

Apart from this a few that are in my 'Apps to try' list are...

BlogDesk, Ecto, w.bloggar and QTM

These AFAIK are free tools which runs in either Windows (majority) and Linux (QTM) or both (QTM).

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