Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Firefox addon called "Deepest Sender"

This add-on called "Deepest Sender" claims that I can post to my wordpress.com account without going to the site all the time. I have just added this and am going to try this out. The installation was as simple as installing any other add-on to the Firefox. Next when I selected "Deepest Sender" from the "Tools" menu of the Firefox, it asked me for some one time information about the blog I use, the account user name and password. It went on and logged in without any errors (so it shows up as of now) and a nice small interface poped up for me to type. This is going to be interesting if this works it claims. This is going to be my first post from the firefox add-on called "Deepest Sender" to my wordpress blog. Let see if this works! ~exec post~

Oh well this did worked (All excited). This did posted my scribble to word press. This is a wonderful add on. I was looking for to have some option like this where I can post to my blog without having to login to wordpress and then click here and there before I end up with the pad they provide for scribbling.

On a quick look at this add-on, they have a "post history" which list all the posts on my wordpress account. Once from the retrieved history, I can edit any post just by selecting the post and click on "edit". (I am editing this post using the mentioned way). They also have a save option so that I can type and save those, for a rethink/recheck and a postponed post. Another feature they have is a offline mode, which I am yet to try. This sounds like saving my effort on saving the posts as XML if I am offline and then open to post it when I come online again. This offline mode should make the posting while offline transparent. I can add the post to one or multiple categories. So far I found one thing that will make me go to the website, wordpress.com is to add/edit the tags for the post. It doesnt seem "Deepest Sender" lets you add tags for a post. But thats the only feature missing that I felt straight away. Good so far. I really am going to try the offline mode today evening once I leave office.

I think those who are lazy like me to login each time to post a blog should atleast try this software. Well, Happy Bloggin...!

1 comment:

noocyte said...

Have you found a way to add tags via Deepest Sender now? or perhaps a better add-on?