Friday, January 5, 2007

IE and MS Word doesn't go well ?

I had this strange complaint today from a user, saying she cannot copy & paste some text from her yahoo mail to the outlook express. If she does, it hangs the app for some time and then give a crash report saying, word application has crashed. When I heard this I was thinking what the hell, M$ products itself doesn't go well togather ? Alas its M$; anything is possible. I went to check this strange behaviour's cause, and I found that there is no problem when I do the same from a firefox browser. Searching further in the net I found this article in the "Yahoo Answers". I could have told her to use firefox, but she was much of a M$ fan and hence I thought I will update to IE7 which eventually solved the problem. Dont you think its weird, that it maybe some html code underlying while you copy from the yahoo mail opened in IE6 which is causing the trouble ? My advice, dont be a guinea pig for M$, use something like firefox for browser, thunder bird or pine for mail, open office instead of M$ Office. Well, world is changing, so am I, how about you ?

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