Friday, January 5, 2007

Cant hold on more..

After a long struggle, I managed not to drink, untill today. That was one amoung my new year resolutions. I decided not to smoke and not to drink, not even beer. Decision on smoking went in smoke in a few hours after entering the new year, but I managed to hold myself from drinking up till the 5th day, but today I guess I will get some beer home and watch a movie as I am missing the habbits. Things I am yet to do are invest some amount from my salary in the Mutual funds and other savings, spend less time for the counter strike (4 those who dont understand counter strike), learn Python! and some more were there, which I kinda forgot. All of us want to be better people and do better things. So we decide, we will do all good, no bad. But how much we succeed in what we have planed for us ? I am not ashamed of myself that I cannot keep up with my decisions, because I know I am not alone in this. But I will still fight for my good, with each mug of beer I gulp down I will curse myself for doing that and soon I will find its no phun drinking beer. If not the will power, wills is there :)

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