Wednesday, December 20, 2006

How I ended up here ?

I was told to try out a blog service in our office for the office guys. Well my job was to find out a good opensource blog server software, try it and then if I feel comfortable, deploy one for a test. I was searching along with a collegue who (He often makes me think about starting a search site called ""; He is faster than google and he knows everything, I mean, almost everything) found out this nice site which compares a number of blog server apps called "". They have done a great job of comparing each important feature of the 15 blogs. It was soo immensely helpful to me and it saved a lot of my time, which I might end up searching in google and segregate the results and recommendations. My first try was with wordpress and It was all fine during the installation. But so far I am unable to findout the option where I can start a new Blog. The page feature was nice and the themes and the plugins and the user administration. Humm but where is the "create new blog". I will be searching for some more time and then go home and think in my bed :) ..


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