Friday, December 22, 2006

What am I doing in the office on X'mas eve.

Living far away from home sucks when it comes to holiday season. Two days after its X'mas and I am already alone at my room :( My room mate has gone home to join his family on the occasion. This is bad when you know all your friends are home and enjoying the holidays with their family, and I ended up here in the city, far away from home, all alone. I may end up in a nice bar, gulping down beer and cursing the bad fate, or maybe a bit merrily, home cooking (which I very rarely does. I am an amateur) something which I like the most and watching some movies. To the worst I will end up in the office playing counter strike from morning to late after midnight. Oh yeah I do play counter strike a lot. Its something which I am trying to stop, but proving to be more difficult that quitting smoking. Sounds weird doesnt it ? Well believe me, you will find your niche right in it if you ever like computer games. Oh well so much for the games. I soon be hitting the road as soon as I finish the back ups which I just started off. Good night..

3 more days to go :) .. 2 more days for the X'mas cakes !!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

How much vim installation irritated me!

It happened such that none of the developers here in my office are happy with vi. They all wanted vim and that the latest version also. Now imagine the experience of installing in 30+ servers which runs FC4, with hellua dependancies to satisfy the vim rpm. I choose to do it with a source tarball. Wasnt easy as I thought. The first problem I faced was with the X11 libraries. The vim scripts were looking in /usr/X11R6/lib for the needed libraries in a 64 bit machine, and it complained the libraries are not compatible. Well, as I was in a hurry to finish the job (as always as it happens with me), I did a small rearrangement. Moved the lib in /usr/X11R6 to another name and created a symlink to lib64 with the name lib. Vim was still needy and I had to create symlinks for, and inside the lib64 folder.

Then the configure and make went fine. I was soo happy that its going on fine. Then after the make i was going to install and issued make install. It gave me a messaage "make: `install` is up to date". I was wondering why it would be giving such an error. I was going through the contents of the Makefile and found a line saying "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there". What the hell, I thought, went inside the src folder and did a make install, it just went fine. The make install and the place where vim scripts search for the library files were funny, but apparently my job was to get vim running in all the machines. Yup, I did it.

How I ended up here ?

I was told to try out a blog service in our office for the office guys. Well my job was to find out a good opensource blog server software, try it and then if I feel comfortable, deploy one for a test. I was searching along with a collegue who (He often makes me think about starting a search site called ""; He is faster than google and he knows everything, I mean, almost everything) found out this nice site which compares a number of blog server apps called "". They have done a great job of comparing each important feature of the 15 blogs. It was soo immensely helpful to me and it saved a lot of my time, which I might end up searching in google and segregate the results and recommendations. My first try was with wordpress and It was all fine during the installation. But so far I am unable to findout the option where I can start a new Blog. The page feature was nice and the themes and the plugins and the user administration. Humm but where is the "create new blog". I will be searching for some more time and then go home and think in my bed :) ..
